Monday, February 26, 2007

It's payback time for Martin Scorsese!!!!!!!

And it is twice the fortune! Martin Scorsese's mob epic stole the Oscars today for both the 'Best Picture' and 'Best Director'. I was certain that this was Mardy's year, after being nominated 5 times for Best Directing Oscar in the past. 'The Departed' was such a movie, and his first one based on a plot, and what a plot it was!! Scorsese, 64, is undoubtedly one of America's finest directors, having the likes of Aviator, Gangs of New York, Taxi Driver, Good Fellas, etc.
But the Best Movie Oscar came as a pleasant surprise. I thought Little Miss Sunshine had a better chance, as I believe the Oscar Selection Committee normally feels against what I feel. 'Departed' bagged a total of 4 oscars. I'm more delighted about the Best Director Oscar though, how many years have we all waited for this moment!!! ?

The team (Martin Scorsese, Leonordo DiCaprio) has already announced their next - The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt (2008)

One thing that kept us wondering was, there was no Matt Damon in the audi, and neither was a mention to his credit by the producer or the director. Or did I miss it?



Blogger Padmanaban Kumar (Paddu @ Just for Kicks) said...

Yeah he deserves it all the way

9:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right, Paddu. I'm so glad he won it this year!

10:00 PM  

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