There are no rules. Just follow your heart...

This is my desktop background currently. Whenever I look at this, it sends me a message.
Do what you want to do in your life, and
Do only what you want to do, and
Do all that you want to do in your life - you've only got one!, and
Do it now!
Do not mistake me here, i'm not suggesting to be selfish. If caring for others and keeping people around you happy, is what brings utmost satisfaction to you, then that's what you want to do in your life! Do that!
Be ambitious. Be passionate. Pursue what you love and what you're passionate about, whatever it takes in life. And before that, do the due diligence, which is the most difficult and endless thing - first discover what makes you passionate!
I'm still in that process, no where close to finding out what is the single most thing in the world that makes me passionate about. Steve Jobs, CEO Apple, once said during an address. Do what you love to do. Every morning when you wake up, look at yourself in the mirror and ask this question - If today were the last day of your life, would you still do what you had in plans to do for the day? If you receive a NO continuously for a period of time, then you're not pursuing what you love, be it a person or an ambition or a career, and you got to change tracks soon! And that's what he did, when he quit school and found Apple Computer, Inc in his garage.
The question (in the comments section) was my opinion on choosing between what is right and what one wants to do. And here's it. Posting it back here for those who've subscribed through bloglines.
Well, that is an excellent and relevant question. In fact, that is one of the debates that is intensely troubling me right now. I don't say one is better over the other.
While, 'doing what is right' means doing acting to what your mind says. And, 'doing what you want' is acting to what your heart says. The most respectable and ideal person is one who has these two aligned.
I said your point is very relevant to this post becuase I speak here of spending your life doing just what you want to do. And in my opinion, one should always do what he wants to do. If one of the things that you want to do conflicts with what your mind thinks, I would sit back and spend some time thinking if I really want to do that. If yes (and it's not unethical [as I define in MY code of ethics] or illegal) I'll go ahead and do that.
After all, I'm not Jesus Christ or Mahatma. I'm human too. So, discounting for that factor, I'll go with my heart.
But I agree, I need to convince myself before that so as to not feel guilty later, which is difficult too.
And more than that, even today, I mean this very day, I'm seeing people close to me make mistakes on what they feel is right or wrong. Sometimes, you think you're doing the right thing by going against your heart, but then you don't realize some times that everyone around is worse off by that decision in the long run. I do that too, sometimes, although I understand economics. So, it's hard to discern what is right and what is wrong, you don't know what the future has in store. Might as well go with your heart!
But the debate has no end to it! The heart and the mind have been created that way.
Labels: Just Casual